Monday, July 12, 2010

photo shoot

Recently, I organised a photography trip for myself and a couple of other friends so we could learn from 'the master' (a friend that has recently started his own photography business). He mentioned that he was doing a pre-wedding shoot and I politely invited myself along. As a result, my friend hired himself an assistant for the afternoon (for free) and the unsuspecting couple had an extra person taking photos of them on the shoot.

Having never been on one of these shoots, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. Even though I was not obliged to hand over any of my photos, I was still a little nervous. The couple were really nice and I had fun. I also didn't realise how tiring it could be. We were only out for a few hours, but I was losing concentration by the end.

As for the photos...I ended up with a small handful of shots I thought were ok. Not quite the quality I was hoping for, but I think I've just got high expectations for someone who is very much a beginner. I did hand over some of my shots as 'homework' to my friend the Sensei. Let me chase him up to see what mark I got.

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