Tuesday, June 1, 2010



I remember when I was kid I owned a pair of yellow gumboots with blue soles. Sadly, my feet grew so quickly that I only had the chance to wear them once before the gumboots became too small. Having never owned another pair of gumboots since, the rainy weather in the past week or so has made me want to buy a pair.

However, this pair makes me think that gumboots only look cool on kids.

Perhaps if Bob the Builder wasn't so obvious, I'd consider getting these?

Finding the right pair is going to be tough. Making gumboots look cool, without looking like a five year old is the first challenge. Trying not to appear like having gone straight from the fishing trawler to the cosmopolitan world will be the other. Maybe appearing as if I had returned from a weekend at the farm and was unfussed about having left my gumboots on would work?

I will continue my search for a pair of gumboots, suitable for city life.

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